Elephant in the Womb (with special guest Jessica)

This is great because we’re actually agreeing, but it sounds like we’re arguing.

If a  person with a fetus filled uterus discovers something atypical or undesirable about that clump of cells, should they be allowed to flush that shit out and try again for a good baby?

Jessica thinks there could be unwanted consequences, Sara thinks all procreation is immoral anyway, and Mowgli talks over both of them.

Abortion FTW

Did Nazi That One Coming… (with special guests Jessica and Anja)

How far should a person’s ideals reach? What do we owe Nazis? Listen in and see if you can hear the exact moment Sara and Jessica change their minds about Anya’s terrible decisions.

Feeling Bernt Part I


Mowgli and Sara are mad, but they’re not stressin’.

It only took a moment to reconcile the confusion of a Trump presidency – it’s unfair to write off all of his supporters as dumb racists, but it’s completely reasonable to hold the Democratic party responsible for their spectacular failure.

Upset about the election and want to move? Go live in a red state and run for Congress.